Loaves & Fishes is an outreach effort of the St. Patrick Church's Justice and Peace Committee. It provides a free home cooked meal to anyone who is hungry with no questions asked. The meal is prepared and served by a team of joyful, eager volunteers each Monday beginning at 5pm in the Holloway Center. Meals are served in a drive-through to-go fashion, so those wanting a meal can drive up to the main doors of the Holloway Center (Door D). They will receive a boxed dinner to take with them. If you are interested in donating to this important ministry, you can do so through the the "Donate Now" button on the homepage of this website. You can then designate that the money go specifically to Loaves and Fishes. You can also donate through the Sunday Collection in a well marked envelope, or you can stop in the parish office. This ministry is currently serving around 200 meals per week, and it is run entirely on donations.  We are grateful to everyone who helps keep this importance service available to our community!