Today we celebrate the beautiful Feast of Christ the King. In our own day, we, of course aren't all that familiar with the concept of being ruled by a king, but I'm sure we've all seen enough movies to know that there are more or less two kinds of Kings. There are Kings who lord their power over their people and force the people to sacrifice themselves so that he can enjoy his kingdom. Then, there are those other kings who are benevolent and do whatever needs to be done for the sake of their people. These are the Kings who rather than sit back and send their subjects off to war to die to gain power, are willing to lead their people into battle to defend all that they know is good. In Jesus Christ we have the best King the world has ever known! He not only led us into battle, but knowingly and willingly sacrificed his very life so that we could dwell in and enjoy an eternal Kingdom of love, peace, and joy. The question we have to ask ourselves is what kind of subjects we are. Do we appreciate all the King has done for us and are we willing to do our part to give back? Because just as there are two kinds of Kings, there are also two kinds of subjects. Those who want the kingdom to serve them, and those who are willing to serve to build up the good that resides within. So as long as we are willing to do our part, we will dwell in His Kingdom forever, but if we are too concerned with ourselves we will in fact force ourselves out of the Kingdom. My dear brothers and sisters, we have the greatest King ever, what kind of subject will you be?

God Bless, Fr. Romke