Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

On some level I hope that I don’t start to sound like a broken record . . . but on the other hand I’m 100% completely fine if I begin to be like one, because the Lord has put it on my heart that I need to speak relentlessly about the need for us to spend time with Him in prayer – TO BUILD A RELATIONSHIP with Him. Now, I know that this seems like an easy or trite thing to say, as it’s what you expect from a priest. Perhaps you think to yourself that you already pray but that it doesn’t seem to connect or make all that big of a difference. Well, that is the precise reason why I want to insist that we commit to real, conversational prayer with God.

Prayer is the thing that makes a difference, because it is the thing that truly connects and relates us to God. It is the difference between going to a concert and being in the presence of a great musician, appreciating all that they do and are, and coming to a point where we get to meet them, speak with them, and journey through life with them. We may enjoy just going to a concert, but the next day we wake up the same as before. When we encounter and engage with the artist, it is then that our lives are impacted and that we walk away changed. Perhaps we repeat devotional prayers (prayer before meals, rosary, chaplet, novenas) which are all great and highly encouraged, but I liken this to singing along with the lyrics at a concert. It’s great and it’s fun and it links you with the musician, but I hope that you want more. Personal or conversational prayer, where we speak with God, tell Him how we feel, what we’re worried about or excited about, is where a real relationship begins. Again, there is a big difference between singing lyrics along with a musician and talking with them about your life and having them speak real, immediate, and relevant words straight to your heart in the midst of your situation. God loves you so much that He wants to sing you an original love song in response to where you are in your particular situation today. The question is whether or not you’ll give Him the opportunity to sing to you?

Last week in my homily I invited you to spend 5 minutes each day of the week reaching out to and speaking to God. Did you do it? If so, I hope that you experienced a connection with God at some point – and if you didn’t “feel” a connection that’s ok too, God’s presence doesn’t always come as a feeling. If you didn’t take the 5 minutes each day to pray – then do it this week. Regardless of how last week went, I BEG you to spend 5 minutes in prayer each day THIS WEEK. Let God sing to you. There is no reason NOT to do this. It is my hope that in the coming weeks and months we can take this journey of prayer together. My goal is not simply to tell you to pray, but to open up the idea of prayer and to help show you how to do it step by step.

I’m going to stop writing now so that you don’t have to spend any more time reading and so that instead you can spend this time PRAYING!

God Bless,
Fr. Romke